Teacher Incentive Allotment
The Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) was created by the Texas Legislature as part of House Bill 3 in order to reward, recruit, and retain excellent teachers within rural and high socio-economic need schools. TIA allows school districts to create compensation plans for teachers based on teacher effectiveness and student equity, and provides a realistic pathway for outstanding teachers to achieve a six-figure salary.
Teachers may earn a designation of recognized, exemplary, or master teacher based on their district's local designation system, a credential that will be recognized on their Texas teaching certificate and valid for five years. Local designation systems must, at a minimum, consider the teacher's proficiency as measured by a research based evaluation system such as T-TESS, as well as valid and reliable measures of academic growth demonstrated by the teacher's students. Local designation systems are to be developed with input from a variety of stakeholders, including teachers, administrators, community members, and district leadership. Teachers may also automatically earn a designation of recognized if they achieve National Board Certification.
Alto ISD has been accepted to TIA Cohort F. The timeline is below.