Voter-Approval Tax Rate Election

what is a voter-approval tax rate election?

State law requires that school districts seek voter approval to raise their maintenance and operations tax rate above a prescribed amount. The election is referred to as a Voter-Approval Tax Rate Election (VATRE).

how does the district benefit from this election? 

Passage of the VATRE will result in a $748,027 increase in funding for the District, while still decreasing the total tax rate by one cent.  The district uses these funds for teacher and staff salaries, books and classroom supplies, utilities, educational resources, custodial, insurance, buses, and other items that help educate students each day. 

why call a vatre?

There are several primary reasons Alto ISD has called for a VATRE:

  • The total tax rate will still decrease
  • The State allows the increase in local revenue to stay in the district while generating additional State funding on a 2:1 ratio
  • The District will be able to continue funding for:
    • Competitive salaries to recruit and retain our stellar teachers and staff
    • Continuing 1:1 device initiative
    • Recovery from the destructive storms of 2019 and the COVID outbreak of 2020

tax impact 

Passage of Alto ISD VATRE by the voters in November will decrease the total tax rate by one cent.

Approval of this tax rate will maximize school district funding by $748,027. Alto ISD would benefit from “golden pennies”.  Essentially, those taxable “golden pennies" would earn AISD $748,027.  For every $100 contributed by Alto ISD taxpayers, the state will contribute $311 dollars. Without approval, the state will not contribute their part.  This would leave over $560,000 each year of state funds unavailable for the students of the district.

Alto ISD VATRE Presentation

Frequently Asked Questions

Election Information

Election Dates

October 4, 2021: Last Day to Register to Vote

October 18, 2021: First Day of Early Voting by Personal Appearance

October 22, 2021: Last Day to Apply for Ballot by Mail

October 29, 2021: Last Day of Early Voting by Personal Appearance

November 2, 2021: Election Day

Election Results

Town Hall Meetings September 21 October 11

Notice of Election